An art and cultural base connected to the ocean and sky
Because of its location and spatial characteristics, Nangang Site 26 is a highly suitable site in Nangang/Matsu for promoting arts and culture. First, while the site is located near an airport and a major village (Chiehshou Village), it still retains sufficient remoteness to establish its own atmosphere. Second, the spatial form and scale of the site can be flexibly adjusted; thus, it is suitable for holding small-scale arts and cultural events. Moreover, none of Matsu’s four townships and five islands has a regular site for art exhibitions and performances and cultural creations. Thus, Nangan Site 26 is suitable for development as a space for arts and cultural exchanges within and among the islands of Matsu. This can lead to the development of local creations and produce creative results. To establish an arts and cultural site at Nangang Site 26, two requirements must be met: